Text to Binary Converter Tool JavaScript Code

Converting Text to binary numbers is made easy using our Text to Binary Converter. Yes! you can create text to binary converter website using JavaScript code. In this article, I will be sharing How to make text to binary converter tool for bloggers or any platform. So, let's start to use know convert text to binary using javascript code.

Now, Users want to convert words into binary so they use the words to binary converter tool script. So such a unique tool is very useful to convert words. So, Why don't we make our own tool?  Yes! we can make our own tool using JavaScript source code. And If you want to know JavaScript code to convert text to binary in javascript code then stay with me.

text to binary converter tool javascript code blogger
Text to Binary and Binary to Text Converter tool Javascript Code

Such online tools are really helpful for a person like me, Why? because I am into the programming field. And as we know computers only understand binary numbers which are a combination of only 0 and 1.

Also, let me tell you where else you people are using this tool.

Words to Binary Converter Online

Words to Binary Converter is easy to use tool to convert String to Binary numbers. Copy, Paste, and Convert.

Example of Using String to Binary?

  • Translate String to Binary is a very unique tool to convert String numbers, a combination of 0-9 and A-F to Binary.
  • This tool allows loading the String URL, which loads String and converts to Binary Numeral System. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit.
  • Users can also convert String File to Binary by uploading the file.
  • String to Binary Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Example of Text - Text.

Technical Arp

Output: String to Binary

01010100 01100101 01100011 01101000 01101110 01101001 01100011 01100001 01101100 00100000 01000001 01110010 01110000

Now Do you want to make a Text to Binary Converter Tool in Blogger? or do you want to know JavaScript code to Convert text to Binary on any platform.

Then you can follow the tutorial about How to Create Text to Binary Converter Tool Website.

Text to Binary Converter | Binary to Text Converter Tool 

Using our tool you can convert text to binary and also binary to text in the same place. Before we proceed you can visit our demo page.


So, now let's make our own tool using simple and easy-to-understand JavaScript source code to convert text to binary values. 

Create Text to Binary Converter Tool in Blogger

Did you like our text to binary converter tool? Now time to make your own tool and implement below JavaScript and HTML code on your website. To make your own tool website in blogger or WordPress or any platform, you need to add HTML CSS and JavaScript (JQuery) codes to your website template/files or page.

I tried to make it simple for you to understand the structure of the code and am almost ready to implement it on your website.

You just need to copy-paste from the below code and most important is converting text to binary in javascript code.

In simple words below is the process to create words to binary values converter tool build using Javascript.

  1. Add below CSS code in your website style
  2. Copy HTML and paste it into your website where you want to show it.
  3. Finally, add convert text to binary Javascript source code.
  4. Check it’s working and then Congrats you have successfully created the tool script in blogger.

Text to Binary value converter website CSS code

.arp-t2b button{width:120px;font-size:14px;height:auto;margin:10px;border:none;padding:10px 12px;background-color:#8775f5;border-radius:3px;color:#fefefe;transition:all .3s;}
.arp-t2b button:hover{opacity:0.7;transition:all .3s;cursor:pointer;}
.arp-t2b .TxtArea{width:100%;color:#797979;border:1px solid #dcdcdc;padding:15px;border-top-left-radius:5px;border-top-right-radius:5px;font-size:15px;outline:none;border-bottom:none;resize:none;}
.drkM .arp-t2b .TxtArea{background-color:#252526;}
.Btn-s{background:#f3f3f3;width:100%;padding:21px;margin-top:-4px;border-bottom-left-radius:7px;border-bottom-right-radius:7px;border:1px solid #dcdcdc;border-top:none;}
.drkM .Btn-s{border-color:rgba(255,255,255,.1);background-color:#2d2d30;}

HTML for Converter tool

<div id="app" class="arp-t2b" align="center">
  <textarea class="TxtArea" v-model="input_output" rows="15" wrap="soft" placeholder="Type/Paste Your Text/Number to Convert in Binary."></textarea>
  <div class="Btn-s">
    <button @click="text2binary">Text to Binary</button>
    <button @click="binary2text">Binary to Text</button>
    <button class="copyButton">Copy Code</button>

Convert text to binary javascript code

Copy below JavaScript code and paste it to your website template or page. Below javascript code is tested and working fine, above is an example of this tool.

If you want to modify anything then you can easily do that as the script is clean and understandable with no encrypted lines.

<script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17-beta.0/vue.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
  new Vue({
  	data() {
  		return {
  			input_output: '',
  			add_space: true
  	methods: {
  		pad(num, padnum) {
  			var padlen = padnum - num.toString().length;
  			var padding = '';
  			for (var x = 0; x < padlen; x++) {
  				padding = '0' + padding;
  			num = padding + num;
  			return num;
  		binary2text() {
  			var vm = this;
  			var text = vm.input_output;
  			text = text.replace(/\r/gi, '').replace(/\n/gi, '');
  			text = text.trim();
  			var delimiter = ' ';
  			if (!vm.add_space) text = text.chunk(8).join(' ');
  			textarr = text.split(delimiter);
  			textarrlen = textarr.length;
  			var textarrout = new Array();
  			for (var x = 0; x < textarrlen; x++) {
  				textarrout[x] = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(textarr[x], 2));
  			var textout = textarrout.join('');
  			vm.input_output = textout;
  		text2binary() {
  			var vm = this;
  			var text = vm.input_output;
  			var delimiterright = ' ';
  			if (!vm.add_space) delimiterright = '';
  			text = text.replace(/\r/gi, '');
  			text = text.split('\n');
  			var textlen = text.length;
  			var textout = new Array();
  			var textlinearr = new Array();
  			var textlinechar = '';
  			for (var x = 0; x < textlen; x++) {
  				textlinearr = new Array();
  				textline = text[x];
  				textlinelen = textline.length;
  				for (var y = 0; y < textlinelen; y++) {
  					textlinechar = textline.charCodeAt(y).toString(2);
  					textlinearr[y] = vm.pad(textlinechar, 8) + delimiterright;
  				textout[x] = textlinearr.join('');
  			textout = textout.join('00001010' + delimiterright).trim();
  			vm.input_output = textout;

<script type='text/javascript'>
const TxtArea = document.querySelector(".TxtArea"),
	copyButton = document.querySelector(".copyButton");
TxtArea.addEventListener("blur", function() {
	copyButton.classList.remove("active"), copyButton.innerHTML = "Copy Code"
}), copyButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
	copyButton.classList.add("active"), TxtArea.focus(), TxtArea.select(), document.execCommand("copy"), (this.innerHTML = "Copy Code") && (this.innerHTML = "Copied!")

Finally, now you check and share your tool with everyone.

You can also convert decimal numbers to binary numbers using our Decimal to Binary Converter tool.

So, Time for a conclusion.

In Conclusion of Convert Text to Binary Tool JavaScript

Are you still there? That's great!

In this tutorial, we created text to binary or word to binary, or string to binary converter website using our free tool script.

Also, it is easy to use this tool Right!.

So, I hope you found our tool and script we will come up with a more useful tool.

If you have any difficulty or want more such useful tools then please comment down.

See you in a new blog post.

Also, We are providing you with many amazing scripts and tutorials for free, So please follow us on our YouTube Channel to get all updates and more useful content.

You may also like our Random password generator tool script javascript source code

Thanks for Visiting: Follow by Email and Bookmark Our Technical Arp Website for more such useful scripts.

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