Solve this quiz : which we see daily in news now, correct the spelling | whatsapp fun

Solve this quiz : You have to correct all the given spelling | whatsapp fun
Solve this quiz : which we see daily in news now, correct the spelling | whatsapp fun
Solve this quiz : correct the spelling | whatsapp fun

There are 15 words, you have to write the correct spelling of all these words.
Note: All these words are being heard a lot in the news.

यहाँ पे 15 शब्द दिए गए है आपको इस सभी सब्दो का स्पेलिंग सही से लिखना है
Note: ये सभी शब्द आज कल हम समाचार में में बहुत सुनाई दे रहे है.
Best work for home to do.
Time Limit:1 hour

01. Crusinavoro
02. Sainzerti
03. Mfakasce
04. Dcolknow
05. Cuwrfe
06. Ayetssaf
07. Dpmicean
08. Poveitsi
09. Bautoker
10. Diagsisno
11. Hoestmay
12. Ionaitlos
13. Quaennitar
14. Eagtneiv
15. Nawhu

01. Coronavirus
02. Sanitizer.
03. Facemask
04. Lockdown
05. Curfew
06. Staysafe
07. Pandemic
08. Positive
09. Outbreak
10. Diagnosis
11. Stayhome
12. Isolation
13. Quarantine
14. Negative
15. Wuhan

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16 April 2020 at 06:41 ×


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